Wondering what's the best weather for a Maui Whale watching tour? The peak of whale season in Maui is typically in the latter winter months. While many expect Maui to be sunshine all year round this island is home to six major microclimates.

This means Maui is not a one-size-fits-all vacation in terms of weather. You can go from frost and freezing temperatures at 10,000 feet on top of the dormant volcano to sea level sandy beaches in less than a few hours. Same goes from the humid rainforest of Hana to the arid south side of Maui.

When planning your winter vacation to Maui, make sure that you are prepared for the different tropical weather elements that you may counter overall and especially on your whale watching adventure!

What Time of Year to Book a Maui Whale Watching Tour

Whale watching in Maui typically occurs between December and April with the peak of this being from January to March. However, there have been whale sightings reported in the months leading up to and after this timeline (however, they are rare and most whale tours stop offering dedicated whale watches past that timeline).

That is not to say that if you are on a private snorkel or other marine life tour that you might not see whales. While whale experts like our captains at Hawaii Ocean Rafting are unparalleled in their ability to spot and safely approach whales; it is nearly impossible to track down the earlier arriving whales prior to December because there are so few.

maui whale watching tour

What is Winter Weather in Maui?

Rain doesn’t bother whales much like it does humans that opt for an adventure aboard the ocean rafts that track them down!

Because Maui is a tropical island in the middle of the pacific, weather reports are rarely accurate. At Hawaii Ocean Rafting however, we use special NOAA and sailing weather reports to get the most accurate weather for our whale watching destinations.

Just like the time of day, there are no seasonal or overall weather trends that appear to affect whale activity or behavior. West Maui, the best place to leave from for a whale watching adventure, is also located on the leeward side of the expansive West Maui Mountains, which is why many refer to Lahaina as a “desert”. In fact, this is how it is categorized amongst environmentalists.

That desert atmosphere ensures that visitors and residents of the west side encounter the greatest amount of sunny days and least amount of wind and rain on the entire island of Maui. The west side of Maui has the best chances for a shining day out on the water and the best possible weather for whale watching in Maui. If the weather turns to a tropical storm and the whale tour is not doable, tours can be rescheduled or refunded for the guests benefit.

How to Book a Winter Whale Watching Tour

When you are looking to book a whale watching tour during the peak season, we recommend that you aim for the peak season. However, we know that tickets can sell out fast especially for an intimate marine experience like what our 27 foot raft has to offer.

If you can’t manage to secure a spot during the peak time-- we recommend you reserve a whale watching tour starting in December so that you are sure to see one of these mammals during yours and their time in the South Pacific. There may be fewer whales early and late in the season, but it only takes one amazing humpback whale encounter for an unforgettable whale watch.

The best way to book a tour would be online through our instant booking platform that we host on the Hawaii Ocean Rafting website or by getting in touch with us so that we can properly recommend the whale watching tour that is sure to be the biggest hit for you and any guests you decide to bring with you!