lahaina snorkeling trips crystal blue water

Lahaina Snorkeling.

This time of the year we offer three different snorkeling options, all leaving from Lahaina harbor. We have a half, full, and mid day  Lahaina snorkeling trip. The mid day trip is reserved for private charter. These trips are off the beaten path for sure. Lanai is an island of breathtaking views, towering cliffs, and rugged landscapes all set against the blue waters of Maui. Lanai is home to pods of Hawaiian Spinner, spotted, and bottlenose dolphins. The reefs are teaming with colorful fish and corals, as well as the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles. This trip will be aboard our ocean raft with our friendly and knowledgeable Captain and crew. There are a few highlights on our Lanai snorkeling trips that cant be found anywhere else on Maui. A favorite of most is a place called wash rock. This spectacular snorkel spot is a pinnacle that rises from  the ocean floor in a depth of 65 ft. and almost breaks the surface. the flat top of the pinnacle rises to a mere 4 feet below the surface and you can snorkel right over the top. The surface is covered in coral and sponge in bright reds and oranges. The corals are teaming with fish of all sorts. There are bright yellow lemon, ornate, and raccoon butterfly fish. There are iridescent Potters angelfish as well as many types of colorful wrasse. You can also take dives down along the sides of the pinnacle, the deeper you go you will see the inhabitants change. Different shades of corals and fish. This is a spectacular spot that you could spend hours exploring. This monolith is one of many spectacular spots to visit on your Lanai snorkeling adventure, but is probably one of the most memorable. It is a unique feeling to be snorkeling in 65 feet of water over this monolith that is only 4 feet below the surface. Enjoy some of the best lahaina snorkeling out there, and you you can't beat the prices.