A Few Ways To Squeeze Every Last Drop from These Last Few Days of Summer

[caption id="attachment_1899" align="alignnone" width="225"]last few days of summer! www.hawaiioceanrafting.com[/caption]

Stretch Those Days of Summer

Alright, so it is already September out there. For all you optimists out there, this is clearly still summer! The end is however either tomorrow or a few generous weeks out. We all start to feel the crunch to get the most out of the last few days of summer as the days get shorter and the temperatures begin to drop. (well not so much the temperatures here on Maui). One way to make sure these last days of summer dont race by in the blink of an eye is to use each one to its fullest.For those of you here on Maui a Saturday spent snorkeling is a sure way to make that day count.

Fill Those Days

The best way to accomplish this is by making some plans. Sure, there is always work and also school. Those early mornings and evenings aren't useless and dont forget the weekends!  With the shortening days the sunrises and sunsets begin to arrive at more realistic viewing times for most of us. You dont have to get up at 5:00a.m. anymore to catch the show. There is still plenty of time after the work day to light up the BBQ and enjoy the evenings fresh air a remaining sun. The weekends are a goldmine this time of year. With most folks back to the school year schedule the crowds at most touristy adventures are way down. This may be the perfect time to visit your local water park or National park for that matter. For those of us on Maui, this is one of the best times of the year to plan a hotel staycation. Prices are deaply discounted and the properties are much less crowded.

Capture the Memories

Make sure to stockpile the proof that you made the most of your summer too. There are some great sites out there for making memory books with all your summer photos. As the daylight decreases and a chill creaps into the air you can pick up your book and relive some of the warm summer memories. Candid action shots can raelly put you back in the moment. A book full of underwater snorkeling shots and shenanigans at the water park are sure to get you through the Winter!

*You can create some great memories of your last days of summer and save %15 on all of our tours by visiting www.hawaiioceanrafting.com !