whale watching humpbacks of Maui

Maui whale watches

Fall is in the air, even here on Maui. The humpback whales feasting up North in Arctic waters are beginning to feel a chill and the pregnant females are growing larger.  These whales are preparing for an epic 3,000 mile journey from the waters of Alaska to the tropical waters of the Hawaiian Islands. Maui Whale watching is especially unique because of the relatively shallow waters that exist between the islands that make up Maui County. The ocean surrounding our islands are more than 15.000 feet deep yet only 300 feet deep in the submerged crater of Maui Nui. For a creature that can be upwards of 45 feet long, this is a safe place. Maui whale watching is some of the best in the world!

As we head into October and that anticipation of the holidays sets in, it may be time for many to start planning vacations. We will start our Maui whale watch trips around December 15th, if you are here during whale season a whale watch is a must. You can often see them from the beach, breaching and spouting. There are many options for observing them from the water, our rafts are the best. Most options out there are aboard large vessels with upwards of 60 other people. This can leave you feeling a bit removed.

Our rafts are small and fast. The absence of a crowd makes for a much more intimate experience. If you have gone out with us before you know this is true. This experience goes far beyond recreation, it actually borders on spiritual. May sound cheesy, but it's true. We are fast and can find groups of whales without 5 other boats hovering around. We don't know if it is because our raft looks a bit like a whale from below or just because it is so small, but the whales seem curious about us too. When the whales come closer to check us out we kill the engines. This is when the magic begins. Silence. You are so close to the water you could dip your hand in, or your camera. The whales may spy hop and look you right in the eye. They swim under the boat and emerge with a thundering spout of air. You will find your heart racing as you grab the arm of a complete stranger and cry, "Can you believe this?".

A Maui whale watch can leave you with memories that will swim through you for a lifetime. Don't miss it!