The Humpback Whale returns to the warm Hawaiian waters every year during the winter months of December through April for their mating and calving season. The majority of them find their home in the calm waters around the island of Maui. The Humpback whale can reach a length of 50 feet and weigh in at around 50 tons. Humpback whales often display spectacular behaviors as they breed, birth and overwinter here in our Maui waters. A must-see!Our hard-bottom inflatable rafts are the ideal way to get that up close and eye level photo you wish for. This trip includes a full narration of interesting whale and Maui facts by our captain and crew, hydrophone, cold drinks and lots of KODAK MOMENTS. What makes it even more enjoyable is sharing your trip with your family and friends. After many years in the touring business we have found that a private charter is truly the best way to experience this unique, once in a lifetime whale watch. So leave the crowds behind, join us with your small group of friends and family and let our many years of experience and Maui's gentle giants enthrall you!

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